

TOEIC ® Listening and Reading

In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken. English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes.

The TOEIC Test Level Projector

The TOEIC test Level Projector is a 15-minute free online tool used to give you a projection of your general Listening skills level.

TOEIC Listening and Reading Test Part5句子填空── 題型 ...

TOEIC Listening and Reading Test共有七種題型,聽力測驗題型包含──照片描述、應答問題、簡短對話、簡短獨白;閱讀測驗題型包含──句子填空、段落填空、閱讀測驗。


為升學、求職做準備!取得理想TOEIC®測驗成績爭取更好的工作機會,透過TOEIC課程分級測驗,先找出適合你的課程等級,量身打造你的專屬課程方案,讓精準有效的學習方式 ...


At this online TOEIC practice test, you will be given two hours to complete the whole test. The test consists of 200 questions divided into two sections: ...


單元測驗(Unit Test):包含30題多益擬真試題,學習者即時檢視學習成效。 型態與內容接近真實的TOEIC® 測驗,讓學習者熟悉實際考試狀況。 課程分級. M1 基礎級- 中級

多益線上測驗Online Pre-Test

附件一、【TOEIC Listening and Reading Placement Test(電腦測驗)硬體設備系統規格說明】 · 附件二、【TOEIC聽力與閱讀測驗(數位版)系統操作手冊】 · 附件三、【TOEIC聽力 ...

TOEIC ® Test Level Projector

The TOEIC test Level Projector is a 15-minute free online tool used to give you a projection of your general Listening skills level.

TOEIC Practice Test

本網頁之音檔為TOEIC Practice Test所使用。此份試題之書面及音檔內容,版權皆為美國教育測驗服務社(Educational Testing Service, ETS®)所有,禁止複製、重印、再製、 ...